September Meet and Greet Event a Success

Judge Sengheiser and Judge Fowler at Sept 12th event

Thank you to all who attended our September 12 Meet and Greet event. This event was an opportunity for all to meet judges of the 22nd Judicial Circuit and other state and federal judges across the region and to view our two exhibits focused on slavery and the Freedom Suits. Featured in the photo are Judges Jason Sengheiser and Katherine Fowler of the 22nd Judicial Circuit with other attendees. 

We welcomed a diverse group of law students and faculty, attorneys from all sectors, community leaders, elected officials and others. 

Join our mailing list to learn of more opportunities like this one. We thank all who came. If you missed the event, you can still see our exhibits. Slavery in St. Louis will be here until October 1. The Freedom Suits will be here until December 3.  

Stay tuned for information on future joint projects by the Law Library Association and the Freedom Suits Memorial Foundation.  

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