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Membership Privileges

  • Free in library use of Westlaw Next, HeinOnline, DocketBird and LLMC; HeinOnline also available remotely 
  • Free Missouri CLE Programs (currently virtual)
  • Unlimited use of the Library and facilities
  • Check out privileges for books that circulate through our online catalog
  • Free photocopying and/or scanning up to 250 pages for firm members and up to 50 pages for individuals (per day)
  • Access to complete sets of Missouri Practice and CLE books
  • Use of conference rooms at a reduced rate
  • Benefits of reciprocal relationship with Saint Louis University Law Library (includes free access to additional databases, print resources and reference assistance at Immel Law Library; checkout privileges from Immel Law Library; use of Immel Law Library on evenings and weekends with SLU card) [Please contact Library Director for details; requires additional steps as set by SLU School of Law]

Firm Memberships

12 or fewer Attorneys: $750.00
13 to 29 Attorneys: $1250.00
30 to 59 Attorneys: $1750.00
60 to 80 Attorneys: $2500.00
81 or more Attorneys: $3750.00

Individual Memberships

One Annual Payment: $150.00
