The Law Library Association subscribes to the following databases, which are free to Library members. [NOTE: Legal databases are not available to non-members.]
Westlaw Next: Full text of primary state and federal caselaw, statutes, regulations, international materials, KeyCite and a variety of secondary sources. Available for use at the library.
HeinOnline: Full text, image based collection of legal periodicals, usually from inception of publication. Other specialized collections include the Federal Register, the Congressional Record and other Congressional Documents, International Legal Resources and State Session Laws. Available for use at the library and remotely through the Members Only page of the Law Library Association website.
LLMC Digital: Extensive collection of thousands of digitized titles covering approximately 400 jurisdictions worldwide. Most of the content is in the public domain. Other sources are made available with permission. Includes state and federal materials from the U.S. and provincial materials from Canada, Europe, Africa and South America. Available for use at the library.
DocketBird: A new user-friendly online program for finding federal court case information. Similar to PACER, this program provides completely free document access so you can track federal court case documents. Available for use at the library.