We are unique among law libraries

Submitted by Sherry Taylor on Wed, 03/05/2025 - 09:24

The Law Library Association of Saint Louis is unique among law libraries.  It is both a membership library and a public law library.  The library’s mission is to serve several different constituents -- the judiciary who preside over the Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit, attorneys in the St. Louis area, the library’s members and public patrons. 

Pro Se Resources at the Law Library Association

Submitted by Sherry Taylor on Wed, 11/20/2024 - 11:30

The Law Library Association of St. Louis is committed to providing legal research materials for all its patrons, including our non-attorney patrons.  We have several print resources that specifically cater to self-representation, including titles on self-representation in certain areas of law and how to do legal research.  Several of these titles can be downloaded as PDFs or eBooks from our online catalog. https://stllawlib.bywatersolutions.com/  

Learn more about Juneteenth

Submitted by Sherry Taylor on Tue, 06/18/2024 - 12:11

Juneteenth has evolved to be a celebration of freedom, a time of reflection on our history, and a time for education on civil rights and racial inequality.  Originally, it was a celebration of the specific date that the news of emancipation reached the last enslaved African Americans in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865. 

Q and A with Judge Colbert-Botchway

Submitted by Sherry Taylor on Tue, 05/14/2024 - 14:24

The Law Library Association sat down with Law Library Association Board Member, the Honorable Nicole Colbert-Botchway, to learn more about her background and what motivated her to become a lawyer and a judge. Read her story below.

Did you grow up in St. Louis?

Yes, I grew up in North St. Louis and have been a city resident all my life.

Where did you go to college?