The Law Library Association of St. Louis was proud to host the American Bar Association (ABA) Travelling Exhibit, Lawyers Without Rights: Jewish Lawyers in Germany Under The Third Reich. The exhibit, never before seen in St. Louis, was at the Law Library Association from Sunday March 8, 2020 through December 10, 2021.
In addition to the Law Library Association, the exhibit was co-sponsored locally by ADL Heartland, the St. Louis Kaplan Feldman Holocaust Museum, and the Jewish Federation of St. Louis-The Professional Society: Lawyers Division.
The exhibit consists of panels that tell the stories and describe the respective fates of dozen of attorneys and judges of Jewish descent who had their law licenses revoked under the Third Reich.
This exhibit, sadly, remains important and timely. More than 70 years after its horrors unfolded, the Holocaust still has stories to reveal and lessons to share. This exhibit begins to provide a portrait of the fate of Jewish lawyers in Germany-stories that speak to how the Nazis purged Jewish lawyers as one of the early steps to attack the rule of law in their country.
Find out more about the exhibit on its national website at /https://lawyerswithoutrights.com/.
Thanks also to those who attended one or more of our four lectures connected to the exhibit.