Law Library Association of St. Louis

Where members of the bench, bar and public come for top quality programs and legal research tools.

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Find out more about our CLE series and sign up today for upcoming programs.
Law Library Awarded Grant by St. Louis Bar Foundation
In January, the Law Library Association of St. Louis received a grant from the St. Louis Bar Foundation. This grant will support expanision of the Law Library's Judicial Legacy Project, which involves interviewing distinguished retired judges in our region.
The Injustice of Place by Kathryn J. Edin, H. Luke Schaefer and Timothy Nelson
A sweeping and surprising new understanding of extreme poverty in America from the authors of the acclaimed "$2.00 a Living on Almost Nothing in America."CLEs
Law, Not Force: Ben Ferencz’s Legacy of Legal Justice for Human Rights Victims
Beginning in 1945 with his prosecution of war criminals during the Nuremberg tribunals, Ben Ferencz’s work focused on issues of international criminal justice and world peace. He was a strong proponent of the International Criminal Court and of efforts to replace the rule of force with the rule of law. Learn more about Ben Ferencz and his important work at this program.
Our presenters are Adam Weber, Esq. and John Geiringer, Esq.
The Expedited Procedures of Chapter 517
Come review with Judge David Roither the expedited procedures of Chapter 517 in files typically handled by associate circuit judges. The program will review the procedures unique to Chapter 517 from filing through judgment including an overview of presenting files for default and Trial de Novo procedures.